No |
Judul |
Nama-nama Dosen |
Dipublikasikan pada |
Tahun |
1 |
The Effect of Competence, Independence, and Motivation on the Quality of the Operational Audit, This is Performed by The Inspectorate Institutuion of Bengkulu Province to Control Region Financial |
Dr. Fachruzzaman, SE,MDM,Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
2 |
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility to Firm Value with Profitability and Leverage as a Moderating Variable |
Dr. Rini Indriani, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
3 |
The Influencing of Risk Factors, Management Entrenchment, and Corporate Governance Quality on Equity Risk Premium |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
4 |
The Effect of Budget Quality on Budget Control: Knowledge of Budget as Moderating Variable |
Robinson, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
5 |
Equity Risk Premium Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di BEI dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding SNA 14, Banjarmasin |
2012 |
6 |
Audit Committee Characteristics and Enterprise Risk Management of Indonesia Public Listed Banks |
Dr. Husaini, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
7 |
The Utilization of Information Technology, The User Satisfaction of Accounting Information System and Tax Complexity: Study in Banking Industry at Bengkulu City |
Sriwidharmanely, SE, MBM, AK Darman Usman, SE., MM, CPA |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
8 |
An Empirical Study Accounting Software Acceptance among Bengkulu City Students |
Sriwidharmanely, SE, MBM, AK |
Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, ISSN 2180-3838. hal 99-112 |
2012 |
9 |
The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Decentralization, Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Budgetary Participation and Budgetary Slack |
Isma Coryanta, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
10 |
Diversification, Performance, and Firm Value |
Nikmah, SE, M.Si. Ak Fitriwati Ilyas, SE., M.Sc., CPA |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
11 |
Value Relevance of Alternative Accounting Performance Measures: Empirical Study in Indonesia |
Nikmah, SE, M.Si. Ak Sriwidhaarmanely, SE., MBM., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
12 |
Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Anomaly: The Ramadhan Effect |
Eddy Suranta, SE., M.Si. Ak Pratana Puspa Midiastuty, SE. M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
13 |
Factors that Influence Company Decision Made Share Repurchase |
Eddy Suranta, SE., M.Si. Ak Pratana Puspa Midiastuty, SE. M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
14 |
The Influence of Risk Factors, Management Entrechment, and Corporate Governance Quality on Equity Risk Premium |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 13, Universitas Sriwijaya |
2012 |
15 |
Relevansi Bilai Informasi Laporan Keuangan dan Komponen Laba Rugi Komprehensif Dalam Menejelaskan Harga dan Return Saham |
Pratana Puspa Miadiastuty, SE, M.Si, Ak Dr. Rini Indriani SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proeeding Semnas Forum Komunikasi dan Bisnis I, ISBN: 978-602-17225-0-3 |
2012 |
16 |
Keputusan Perusahaan Melakukan Share Repurchase: Free Cash Flow, Corporate Governance and Firm Size on Debt Policy |
Pratana Puspa Miadiastuty, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, ISSN: 2301-4717, hal. 17-29 |
2012 |
17 |
Analysis of effect of Investment Opportunity Set, Free Cash Flow Hypothesis ataukah Signaling Theory |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
18 |
The Factors Influencing of Ewuity Risk Premium of Indonesia Public Listed Companies |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
19 |
The Effect of Effectiveness Taxes Against Incrased Revenue Bengkulu City |
Dr. Rini Indriani, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
20 |
The Influence of Corporate Governance and Risk Factors on Equity Risk Premium of Indonesian Public Listed Companies |
Dr. Husaini, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
21 |
Impact of Risk Evaluation on Audit-Auditee Negotiation Outcome |
Dr. Nurna Azizah, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
22 |
IFRS – Opprtunity and Challenge for Internal Auditor |
Dr. Fachruzzaman, SE,MDM,Ak |
Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Univ. Malikusasaleh – Aceh Utara |
2011 |
23 |
The Effect of Budget Participation to Managerial Performance Using Information Technology Use, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Stress as Moderating Variable (Empirical Study at the Branch of Financial Firms in Bengkulu City) |
Sriwidharmanely, SE. MBM, Ak Madani Hatta, SE., M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 12, Universitas Bengkulu |
2011 |
24 |
Pengaruh User-Related Factors Terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pengembangan Sistem Informasi |
Sriwidharmanely, SE, MBM, Ak |
Jurnal Gentiaras Manajemen dan Akuntansi, ISSN 2086 – 592, No. Hal 39-51 |
2011 |
25 |
The Impact of Performance Measurement System Type and Management Awareness Towards Program and Financial Performance on Education Office in Regencies |
Dr. Fachruzzaman, SE,MDM,Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
26 |
The Moderating Role of Family Ownership on The Relationship Between Board Characteristics and Shareholder Value |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
27 |
Deferred Tax as a Predicting Approach for The Earnings Management: Across Government and Privately Ownership |
Dr. Rini Indriani, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
28 |
The Acceptance of Accounting Software at The Accounting Student |
Sriwidharmanely, SE, MBM, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
29 |
Effect of Dividend Catering Theory to The Company’s Dividend Payout Propensity |
Eddy Suranta, SE., M.Si. Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
30 |
Effect of Dividend Catering Theory to The Company’s Dividend Payout Propensity |
Pratana Puspa Midiastuty, SE. M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
31 |
The Influence of Ethic Reasoning, Ethical Orientation, Locus of Control, and Demographic Factors on Ethical Sensitivity: An Empirical Study of Accounting Students |
Lismawati, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
32 |
Implementasi Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja SKPD di Kota Bengkulu |
Dr. Fachruzzaman, SE,MDM,Ak |
Proceeding SNA 13, Purwokerto |
2010 |
33 |
Equity Risk Premium Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di BEI dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya |
Saiful, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, Ak |
Proceeding SNA 13, Purwokerto |
2010 |
34 |
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelaporan Keuangan Terhadap Informasi Asimetry |
Dr. Rini Indriani, SE, M.Si., Ak |
Proceeding SNA 13, Purwokerto |
2010 |
35 |
Pengaruh Independensi, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Pemahaman Good Corporate Governance terhadap Kinerja Auditor Pemerintah ( Studi pada Auditor Pemerintah BPKP Perwakilan Bengkulu) |
Lismawati, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding SNA 13, Purwokerto |
2010 |
36 |
Pengaruh Independensi, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Pemahaman Good Corporate Governance terhadap Kinerja Auditor Pemerintah ( Studi pada Auditor Pemerintah BPKP Perwakilan Bengkulu) |
Nila Aprila, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding SNA 13, Purwokerto |
2010 |
37 |
The Effects of Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Perceived Ease of Use and Attitudes as Intervening Variable on Behavior Intentions to Use Computers in the Preparation of Fianancial Reporting ( Empirical Study of SKPD of Local Government in Bengkulu) |
Nila Aprila, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |
38 |
Hubungan Belanja Modal dengan Belanja Pemeliharaan pada Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Sumatera bagian Selatan) |
Baihaqi, SE, M.Si, Ak |
Proceeding MIICEMA 11, (Malaysia) |
2010 |